Taken directly from https://www.ontariouniversitiesinfo.ca/programs/718
2 Types of Programs
Grades-Only programs select students on the basis of academic performance.
Grades-Plus programs select students on the basis of academic performance plus non-academic requirements, such as auditions, interviews, portfolios, essays, etc. If distance does not permit travel to Ryerson, selection methods may include telephone interviews, video auditions, mail-in questionnaires and/or essays. Non-academic requirements are generally due by the Guaranteed Consideration Date (February 1). However, it is important that you do not submit non-academic requirements until after you have actually submitted your application for admission and have received your Ryerson Student Number. Your Ryerson Student Number must be included on all non-academic requirements you submit.
Timing and Process for Admission Decisions
We anticipate that the majority of decisions will be made between February and the end of May 2021 based on application processing time frames and timelines for evaluating non-academic requirements.
February 1, 2021, is the Guaranteed Consideration Date for all programs.